CNG - CNG - LNG risk training

CNG - CNG - LNG risk training

The transport sector is making a major contribution to the energy transition. It relies on CNG (natural gas for vehicles), CNG or LNG vehicles. All the actors working around vehicles running on natural gas need a training on CNG - CNG - LNG risks in order to be able to control the risks...

detour event industrial risk

What to do in case of a deviation or an event?

Since 1953, Gesip has been working to improve the prevention and control of industrial fires. Its action is based on training and expertise in the field of safety of people and industrial installations. Gesip believes that the improvement of the control and management of risk is based on the sharing of experience and a common understanding of...

Offshore platform safety training

Offshore platform safety training

Gesip's expertise in crisis management applied to the safety of offshore platforms Since 1953, Gesip has been working to improve the safety of human health and the integrity of installations and infrastructures. To do so, the organization shares its knowledge through expertise that can take the form of guides and training...

major risk training

The importance of major hazard training

Gesip is an organization of training and safety studies resulting from the will of different industries to share their experiences and to constantly improve the safety of people's installations. Gesip offers training on major risks and other subjects concerning industrial safety. What is a GESIP training course? Gesip training courses are...

industrial explosive risk

What are the different ATEX directives in industries?

Industries are subject to specific regulations that take into account the risks associated with explosive atmospheres to impose various safety measures, particularly related to requirements concerning the equipment used. These regulations aim to improve the health and safety protection of workers who may be exposed to the risks associated with explosive atmospheres...

industrial fire and training

Industrial fire training

Since 1953, Gesip has been working to improve the prevention and control of industrial fires. Its action is based on training and expertise in the field of safety of people and industrial installations. With its 70 years of experience in the field of industrial safety, Gesip has established itself as a major player in the field of industrial safety.

train for the implementation of the IOP

How to train for the implementation of the IOP?

Gesip has established itself as a player in industrial safety. The organization works in the field of crisis management thanks to its knowledge capital, its test platforms and its high value-added reference documents. Some operators of Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE) must establish Internal Operations Plans (POI)...