Issu de l’ingénierie en déparaffinage, il rejoint TotalEnergies où il occupe divers postes de responsabilité, notamment dans l’exploitation de raffineries et la gestion des méthodes au siège. Après avoir dirigé l’Établissement des Flandres, il est actuellement responsable Sécurité opérationnelle pour le Raffinage Chimie.
Jean-François BUISSON
Céline is a graduate of an engineering school (HEI) and holds a Master's degree from IFPSchool. She joined ExxonMobil in 2004, since then she has evolved in various functions, within the technical, maintenance, operational departments, as well as the Midstream division as SHE/Regulation Manager for France and Benelux. Céline joined the Gesip team as Vice President in 2018 before being elected General Delegate in October 2022.
Céline Leroy
Cécile has spent a large part of her career at Gesip. She joined our teams as a technical and administrative assistant and then became administrative and financial director.
Cécile Arcanger
Xavier comes from the gas industry. He has spent his career at PRIMAGAZ where he held various positions related to operations until he became Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Director. He was a member of the safety committee of the SHV Energy group. He joined Gesip in 2018.
Xavier Longuet
« Adeline est docteur en chimie et diplômée d’un mastère spécialisé Management de la Sécurité et des Risques Industriels du CESI de Rouen. Précédemment, au poste de Responsable du Département Santé, Sécurité, Sûreté et Environnement à la Compagnie Industrielle Maritime (CIM), elle a rejoint l’équipe Gesip, en tant que Directrice Technique multi-énergies. »
Adeline Feldman
Frédérique spent her career with the Exxonmobil group, and more particularly with the Logistics department of ESSO, where she was in charge of the work and management control of oil depots, before specializing in the regulation of flammable liquids. She joined Gesip in February 2022, as Technical Director.
Frédérique Duquenne
David is a professional firefighter lieutenant-colonel. Through his rich experience, David benefits from his skills as a technical advisor in chemical and radiological risks and intervention on board ships and boats. Before joining us, David was a consultant for Gesip, in the field of crisis management for missions in France and abroad.
David Audouin
Sandra has spent a large part of her career at Gesip. She joined our teams as a training assistant. She is now responsible for customer management and training.
Sandra Salcedo
With an MBA, Chloé first evolved in the tourism and legaltech sectors. She joined the Gesip team as a marketing and communication project manager.
Chloé Retailleau
Faten holds a master's degree in English and began her career as an executive assistant with a strategy and business development consulting firm. She joined the Gesip team as an administrative and technical assistant.
Faten Ben-Hassine
Training centers
Frédéric comes from the field of digital cartography, where he was responsible for quality and training.
Following a professional retraining, he is now a graduate in pedagogical engineering and has joined the Gesip team as Pedagogical Training Manager.
Frédéric Watbled
Franck comes from the fire department. He also worked in the chemical industry as an operator. For several years, he has been in charge of Gesip's technical platform in Roussillon, and continues to work for the public rescue service as a volunteer fireman.
Franck Charrière
Jérémie est un expert en sécurité incendie avec une solide expérience en tant que formateur et chef de site. Il a également occupé des postes de responsabilité dans la gestion des risques industriels et technologiques. Sapeur-pompier volontaire depuis 2000, il a su mettre à profit ses compétences au service de la sécurité.
Jérémie Arod
Kevin a œuvré au sein du Bataillon des Marins-Pompiers de Marseille. Il a par la suite fait une reconversion et passé la formation SSIAP 3 afin d’évoluer en tant que chargé de sécurité incendie et formateur, avant de rejoindre Gesip.
Kevin Rollet
Aurélien comes from the fire department. He joined the Gesip training teams and continues to practice his first vocation as a volunteer firefighter.
Aurélien Souche
Josselin evolved as a safety supervisor on a nuclear reactor site. He then joined the fire department within the SDIS 27.
Victorien a travaillé comme pompier industriel en raffinerie, en site nucléaire et a ensuite été pompier d’aéroport. En parallèle, il est sapeur-pompier volontaire depuis 16 ans.
Boris a étudié la biologie tout en menant une longue carrière chez les pompiers. Il a commencé comme jeune sapeur-pompier, puis est devenu pompier volontaire, avant de devenir sapeur-pompier à Paris. Il possède également une expérience en tant que formateur incendie.