Minutes Gesip CNG (CNG/LNG)

The use of natural gas (NGV) vehicles can present risks for loading and unloading facilities. To reduce these risks, it is recommended to implement a number of organizational, technical and human measures. These measures include The approval of the vehicle by the DREAL : The identification of the trucks by...

Return on the press day of October 25, 2022

For the first time, Gesip organized a press day to present its activities on the technical platform of Vernon in Normandy. Accompanied by 3 major actors of our association: Cyril De COATPONT (president), Céline LEROY (general delegate) and David AUDOUIN (director of the training and testing centers), the journalists of the Normandy/Paris region were able to visit the press day...

Galana : New Gesip partner

Member of the Rubis Group, Galana Madagascar is the leader in the downstream oil sector in Madagascar. Our new partnership with Galana Raffinerie Terminal in Madagascar aims at training the intervention agents and the firefighters in the techniques of intervention on fed fires and puddle fires with the use of personal protective equipment...

CNG - CNG - LNG risk training

CNG - CNG - LNG risk training

The transport sector is making a major contribution to the energy transition. It relies on CNG (natural gas for vehicles), CNG or LNG vehicles. All the actors working around vehicles running on natural gas need a training on CNG - CNG - LNG risks in order to be able to control the risks...

France Gaz Liquides training in partnership with Gesip 2022 for the energy and gas sector (biogas, butane & propane)

Gesip, expert in industrial safety and fire training since 1953, reaffirms its links thanks to a new partnership with France Gaz Liquides. France Gaz Liquides and Gesip are two leading professional training organizations in the field of industrial safety. With a partnership built around the common objective of improving the safety of industrial workers, Gesip and France Gaz Liquides have signed a new agreement...