Retrouvez deux pages entièrement dédiées au partenariat entre Gesip et JOIFF. Pour mener à bien notre mission, nous nous appuyons sur une équipe de spécialistes issus de l’industrie et des professionnels de l’urgence publique. L’alliance unique de savoirs capitalisés, de membres industriels, de compétences humaines et d’infrastructures à grande échelle, nous permet de proposer des…


industrial fire and training

Industrial fire training

Since 1953, Gesip has been working to improve the prevention and control of industrial fires. Its action is based on training and expertise in the field of safety of people and industrial installations. With its 70 years of experience in the field of industrial safety, Gesip has established itself as a major player in the field of industrial safety.


plan intervention urgence entreprise industrie

Les choix des scénarios du POI

Le plan d’opération interne (POI) est capital en matière de sécurité industrielle puisqu’il permet de déterminer les mesures d’organisation et les méthodes d’intervention, tant interne qu’externe, ainsi que les moyens nécessaires devant être mis en oeuvre afin de préserver la santé publique, le personnel, l’environnement et les biens des effets d’accidents majeurs.  Il s’agit d’un…


train for the implementation of the IOP

How to train for the implementation of the IOP?

Gesip has established itself as a player in industrial safety. The organization works in the field of crisis management thanks to its knowledge capital, its test platforms and its high value-added reference documents. Some operators of Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE) must establish Internal Operations Plans (POI)...


Hélène Moumrikoff

L'Usine Nouvelle : interview with Hélène Moumrikoff for Gesip

Hélène Moumrikoff, Managing Director of Gesip, presents the nature and influence of the organization in the evolution of industrial regulations and safety techniques. She explains how Gesip's technical expertise contributes to the reinforcement of industrial safety through the testing and evaluation of numerous safety technologies. Gesip has...


Prevention of industrial risks during a shutdown phase

The traditional situation in which a single operator manages an entire industrial site is becoming increasingly rare. Economic changes have accelerated the number of multi-operator sites. This new practice, particularly widespread in the chemical industry, creates new challenges in terms of risk management. Some...



Gesip has established itself as a reference in industrial safety. Having developed a recognized expertise, our organization has become a key player in the industrial sector. We have about sixty members working together to improve industrial safety. Gesip supports authorities and industrialists in the face of regulatory changes. The fire in Rouen in September...


C’est à vous n°59 MEDEF : Interview d’Hélène Moumrikoff pour Gesip

Gesip : un expert de la sécurité industrielle à vos côtés ! La vocation de Gesip est de contribuer à améliorer les performances sécurité et de promouvoir une culture HSE forte auprès des industriels français. Explications de Hélène Moumrikoff, sa Déléguée Générale.   Que proposez-vous aux entreprises en termes de gestion de crise ? La gestion…


industrial fire training

The different training courses for the management of industrial fires

Many fires break out every day. Fortunately, most of the time, the consequences are minimal. However, the damage and consequences of these fires can be more important in case of fire on industrial structures. Whether you work on industrial sites, in an establishment open to the public (ERP) or only in a factory...


analyze intervention area

How to analyze a work area in intervention

During an intervention, the intervention team leader must ensure the safety of his workers, both collectively and individually. To eliminate or reduce the danger to himself and to others, he must manage the various elements of safety, such as signals, the green zone, PPE and the choice of the latter. But what about...
