Today, industrial companies must comply with risk prevention regulations. To do so, they are required to set up an organization capable of guaranteeing the safety of their infrastructures. This organization must allow the protection of the personnel, men and women, in case of major risks, in particular, fires.
The implementation of an organization on each site is therefore essential in an industrial crisis situation. To this end, training sessions on training sessions on industrial risks, command post exist. The aim is to teach participants how to manage a crisis and to allocate resources according to the activities.
Role of the command post in industrial crisis management
The command post has an essential mission in a crisis situation. Its missions are as follows:
- Make an initial assessment of the event according to its type and severity (chemical or nuclear fire, etc.);
- Decide if public assistance is needed;
- Direct all internal operations;
- Implement the defined strategies;
- Propose intervention tactics;
- Manage the organization and means of internal and external communication and information.
Establishing leadership in emergency response
One of the major tasks is to optimize the effectiveness of the measures implemented. During an emergency response, the missions of the response team leader are as follows:
- Ensuring individual protection and collective safetyThe use of PPE (personal protective equipment);
- Analyze a work area and the risks involved;
Assign missions to staff;
- Relay information on the evolution of the crisis.
Gesip's training offer for the command post (PCA)
Gesip has a varied and complete training offer for the command post. Here are two examples:
Forward Command Post Management (FCPM) Training
This training is intended for intervention team leaders and operations team leaders. Its teaching must allow to manage a fire situation at the national and local level. This must be done in conjunction with the fire department and the rescue and protection services. The training details the operation of the forward command post (FCP) :
- Safe positioning of the forward command post;
- The tools necessary for its proper functioning;
- Interface with the operator command post.
The training insists on the organization of the site security and the positioning of the BCP in the POI organization. It takes the form of a real-life exercise. The main principles of intervention as well as the BCP tools are discussed.
Training on the operator command post (PCEx) room
This training is intended for all the personnel of a crisis management unit and for public sector intervention teams (SDIS). It is also intended for any person in charge oforganization of an operator's command post . At the end of the training, the participant will have received the following instruction:
- He will know where to set up his command post operating ;
- He will know his functions and missions as well as the use of crisis management tools.
Find all of our training offers in the field of chain of command and emergency management:
- Surveillance Officer (AG SUR)
- Training of the crisis management team on flammable liquid and anti-pollution sites (APCEX LIF ANTI-POL)
- Training the crisis management team of the chemical site (APCEX CHIMIE)
- First Emergency Actions in Chemistry (PAU CHIMIE)
- First Emergency Actions (FEA)
- Train the site crisis management team (APCEX)
- Activation of your emergency plan (APOI)
- Test your global organization (EGA)
- First Emergency Gas Actions (PAU GAZ)
- Train the crisis management team on gas sites (APCEX GAZ)
- On-call and First Aid (PAU ICPE)
- First Emergency Actions Aviation Depot (PAU Aviation)
- Calculations of WATER & EMULSEUR consumption - e-learning
- Power Curve: theory and exercises (CMP) - e-learning
- The PCEx room (Operator Command Post) - e-learning
- Internal Operation Plan tools: theory and exercises (POI) - e-learning
- Application rates - e-learning
- Managing a team of Operators in a crisis situation (EURC)
- Management of an Advanced Command Post (ACP)
- Use the tools of the Internal Operation Plan (POI 2) - Level 1 course
- Know how to integrate into a crisis management team on a site calling for public assistance (POI 3) - Level 2 curriculum
- Know how to integrate into a crisis management team on a stand-alone site Petrochemicals (GS) - Level 2 curriculum
- Know how to integrate into a crisis management team on an LPG site (GS GAS)
- Knowing how to integrate into a crisis management team on a chemical site (GS CHIMIE)
- Know how to integrate into a crisis management team of a carrier or pipeline operator (GS CANA)
- Major Emergency Management (GUM INTER)
- On-site Management of Major Emergencies (SMME)
- Medium to Large Exercise (EMGA)