Gesip offers distance learning

Gesip, a reference in industrial safety, innovates and offers distance learning. By taking into account the different particularities of the industrial sector and in a quality approach, Gesip develops its training offer. You will find 100% distance learning courses, others that combine distance learning and face-to-face training, and others that are more advanced.

POI tools

The POI and its tools

POI: the reference document All industrial sites at risk are legally required to have an POI (Internal Operation Plan) according to article L515-41 of the French Environmental Code. This document is drawn up by the site operator and must be able to respond to all the situations described in the accident scenarios of the study of the risks...

Le taux d’application des émulseurs et la gestion du risque incendie de liquide inflammable

Une surface de liquide inflammable en feu est l’un des plus grands risques industriels. Pour circonscrire ce genre de menace, une seule réponse possible: l’application d’une solution moussante. Mélange d’eau et d’émulseur, cette solution moussante doit être appliquée avec maîtrise pour, à la fois permettre l’extinction du feu rapidement, tout en s’assurant de disposer de…