Management of hazardous material transportation

Disaster management on hazardous materials transport pipelines

Pipelines for the transport of hazardous materials, covered by ministerial decrees, have developed strongly since the 1950s. As such, they now constitute networks classified into three families of hazardous materials, natural gas (which represents 73% of the total length of the 50,000 km of the French pipeline network), oil and gas products (which represent the majority of the total length of the network) and...

ICPE regulation

Genesis of the ICPE regulation

Preventing industrial risks is essential and requires the intervention of experts and rigorous methods. To ensure the safety of people inside and outside buildings, as well as taking into account environmental impacts, directives have been put in place. These are the SEVESO Directives. Where do these directives come from? Why have they been...


Retrouvez deux pages entièrement dédiées au partenariat entre Gesip et JOIFF. Pour mener à bien notre mission, nous nous appuyons sur une équipe de spécialistes issus de l’industrie et des professionnels de l’urgence publique. L’alliance unique de savoirs capitalisés, de membres industriels, de compétences humaines et d’infrastructures à grande échelle, nous permet de proposer des…

plan intervention urgence entreprise industrie

Les choix des scénarios du POI

Le plan d’opération interne (POI) est capital en matière de sécurité industrielle puisqu’il permet de déterminer les mesures d’organisation et les méthodes d’intervention, tant interne qu’externe, ainsi que les moyens nécessaires devant être mis en oeuvre afin de préserver la santé publique, le personnel, l’environnement et les biens des effets d’accidents majeurs.  Il s’agit d’un…


Gesip has established itself as a reference in industrial safety. Having developed a recognized expertise, our organization has become a key player in the industrial sector. We have about sixty members working together to improve industrial safety. Gesip supports authorities and industrialists in the face of regulatory changes. The fire in Rouen in September...

analyze intervention area

How to analyze a work area in intervention

During an intervention, the intervention team leader must ensure the safety of his workers, both collectively and individually. To eliminate or reduce the danger to himself and to others, he must manage the various elements of safety, such as signals, the green zone, PPE and the choice of the latter. But what about...

personal protective equipment

PPE: definition

In order to ensure safety in intervention, the intervention safety manager must ensure that his workers know the rules of personal protection as well as the different equipment available to use. A training can be done in order to be operational on the different PPE to use. The standards governing the various PPEs help you to...