how to use fire fighting equipment

Fire equipment: how to use it?

In a fire defense system, there are different elements essential to the fire equipment, to be used during an operation. The establishment of this equipment is particularly important and must be perfectly done. A well-made set-up ensures safety for the personnel and facilitates the operation. Knowledge maintenance maneuvers are to be planned in order to have a good knowledge of the equipment...


R.I.F. course, Recycling Intervention Feu

What is the R.I.F. course, Recycling Intervention Feu ?

Gesip offers training courses dedicated to industrial and logistics sites, which combine theory and practice to promote experience sharing and learning. The training courses are given in real conditions on full-scale installations. They can be presented in the form of courses, which is notably the case for the R.I.F. course,...


industrial fire rules

Basic rules for responding to an industrial fire

During an industrial fire, it is easy to panic and not know how to manage. Fortunately, there are principles of intervention and basic rules to intervene on an industrial fire, in first and second intervention. The goal is obviously to extinguish the fire, but also and above all to stay in control of the situation...



PSI (Safety and Intervention Plan)

The purpose of the Safety and Response Plan is to deal mainly with the response directly related to an incident on a transmission pipeline and its ancillary facilities. For liquids, it defines the measures implemented to limit the quantity flowing (detection and control). The difference between a POI and a PSI is...


ex signal

What is an explosive atmosphere?

A hazardous explosive atmosphere can be devastating when the explosion occurs, leading to effects on people, the environment and property. The prevention of the risk of these explosive atmospheres is based on specific regulations that must be applied in your company. We will first explain what is required to prevent explosive atmospheres...


TECHNIQUES DE L’INGENIEUR : Interview d’Hélène Moumrikoff pour Gesip

Créée en 1953, Gesip est une organisation experte en sécurité industrielle, qui fédère plus de soixante entreprises collaborant pour améliorer la prévention et la sécurité des sites industriels et logistiques.  Aujourd’hui Gesip propose des formations, des audits, des guides techniques et des prestations de service aux professionnels de l’industrie et logistique visant à améliorer leurs…


LASTFIRE ! Découvrez le nouveau partenariat de Gesip

LASTFIRE est un organisme international regroupant des sociétés de stockage de pétrole qui élabore des guides de bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des réservoirs de stockage. C’est un organisme totalement indépendant qui représente les intérêts des utilisateurs finaux sans avoir l’influence des fournisseurs. En prenant conscience des préoccupations croissantes actuelles liées aux émulseurs anti-incendie, LASTFIRE,…


Devenir Partenaire Gesip

Depuis plus de 70 ans, Gesip œuvre au renforcement de la sûreté des personnes et des installations.    Nous travaillons avec de nombreuses entreprises qui nous font confiance afin de les accompagner à l’amélioration de la sécurité industrielle. C’est grâce à l’alliance unique de savoirs techniques capitalisés et d’infrastructures à taille réelle que Gesip est…
