Replay : Gesip on BFM TV and radio !
Hélène Moumrikoff, General Delegate of Gesip in Focus PME, interviewed by Vincent Touraine. It was the weekend of March 27, 2021. Did you miss it? Don't worry, find the replay right HERE
Hélène Moumrikoff, General Delegate of Gesip in Focus PME, interviewed by Vincent Touraine. It was the weekend of March 27, 2021. Did you miss it? Don't worry, find the replay right HERE
Gesip's expertise in crisis management applied to the safety of offshore platforms Since 1953, Gesip has been working to improve the safety of human health and the integrity of installations and infrastructures. To do so, the organization shares its knowledge through expertise that can take the form of guides and training...
Preventing industrial risks is essential and requires the intervention of experts and rigorous methods. To ensure the safety of people inside and outside buildings, as well as taking into account environmental impacts, directives have been put in place. These are the SEVESO Directives. Where do these directives come from? Why have they been...
A fire during a maintenance operation On August 26, 2020, a fire broke out at the Valorys waste treatment plant in Pluzunet, in the Côtes d'Armor region. The accident resulted in one victim, a 46 year old maintenance technician. 5 other employees suffered from monoxide poisoning...
Gesip is an organization of training and safety studies resulting from the will of different industries to share their experiences and to constantly improve the safety of people's installations. Gesip offers training on major risks and other subjects concerning industrial safety. What is a GESIP training course? Gesip training courses are...
The Particular Intervention Plan or PPI is one of the many emergency plans set up by France to protect the population and the environment as well as possible. It allows to define the protection perimeter, to identify the sensitive sites hosting fragile populations (schools, hospitals...) and to set up measures to protect the population...
Industries are subject to specific regulations that take into account the risks associated with explosive atmospheres to impose various safety measures, particularly related to requirements concerning the equipment used. These regulations aim to improve the health and safety protection of workers who may be exposed to the risks associated with explosive atmospheres...
Retrouvez deux pages entièrement dédiées au partenariat entre Gesip et JOIFF. Pour mener à bien notre mission, nous nous appuyons sur une équipe de spécialistes issus de l’industrie et des professionnels de l’urgence publique. L’alliance unique de savoirs capitalisés, de membres industriels, de compétences humaines et d’infrastructures à grande échelle, nous permet de proposer des…
Since 1953, Gesip has been working to improve the prevention and control of industrial fires. Its action is based on training and expertise in the field of safety of people and industrial installations. With its 70 years of experience in the field of industrial safety, Gesip has established itself as a major player in the field of industrial safety.
Le plan d’opération interne (POI) est capital en matière de sécurité industrielle puisqu’il permet de déterminer les mesures d’organisation et les méthodes d’intervention, tant interne qu’externe, ainsi que les moyens nécessaires devant être mis en oeuvre afin de préserver la santé publique, le personnel, l’environnement et les biens des effets d’accidents majeurs. Il s’agit d’un…
🎯 L’objectif de ce e-learning, conçu en collaboration avec l’APAVE, est de sensibiliser le conducteur d’un véhicule électrique et hybride sur les caractéristiques et nouveaux risques de ces motorisations. Le conducteur sera préparé à des situations d’urgence à l’intérieur d’un site industriel, notamment SEVESO afin d’en garantir la sécurité.
Objectifs opérationnels :
✅ Savoir quelles mesures de prévention des risques sont mises en place pour l’autorisation d’accès des véhicules électriques ou hybrides sur un site industriel.
✅ Savoir identifier un véhicule électrique ou hybride.
✅ Connaitre les caractéristiques spécifiques du véhicule électrique et les dangers des batteries lithium-ion.
✅ Comprendre ce qu’est un emballement thermique.
✅ Appréhender les risques et dangers associés aux véhicules électriques.
✅ Connaître les préconisations et obligations du conducteur présent sur le site selon le guide Gesip 2023-01.
🗓️ Formation en e-learning d’une durée de 20 min.
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