POI tools

The POI and its tools

POI: the reference document All industrial sites at risk are legally required to have an POI (Internal Operation Plan) according to article L515-41 of the French Environmental Code. This document is drawn up by the site operator and must be able to respond to all the situations described in the accident scenarios of the study of the risks...


Le taux d’application des émulseurs et la gestion du risque incendie de liquide inflammable

Une surface de liquide inflammable en feu est l’un des plus grands risques industriels. Pour circonscrire ce genre de menace, une seule réponse possible: l’application d’une solution moussante. Mélange d’eau et d’émulseur, cette solution moussante doit être appliquée avec maîtrise pour, à la fois permettre l’extinction du feu rapidement, tout en s’assurant de disposer de…


Our distance learning platform e-Gesip

The objective remains the same in distance learning as in face-to-face, Quality! So embark on this adventure with us! Beyond its know-how, the Gesip team has put all its heart into it. Discover now our 3 types of distance learning courses: Are you more of a ? Virtual class ? Your training taught live...


Première campagne de test de mousse sans fluor validée avec succès !

Les dimensions extraordinaires de notre nouvelle cuvette d’essai de 50m x 6m permettent d’étudier l’évolution des nouvelles mousses sur de grandes distances, avec des obstacles ou non, afin de simuler différents scénarios de feu de cuve et de nappe. Lors de ces 2 semaines d’essais, nous avons eu la chance de tester plusieurs combinaisons avec…


distance learning

Distance learning in times of health crisis

Guaranteeing the pedagogical continuity of distance learning courses and training activities in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis is a real necessity. Training organizations are mobilizing to adapt distance learning modalities without impacting the quality of teaching, including in the industry sector. Why should we...


anti-pollution training

Anti-pollution crisis management training (APCEX LIF ANTI-POL)

Since 1953, Gesip has been reinforcing the safety of people and installations by transmitting knowledge through training and expertise. Its vocation is to contribute to improve safety performances and to promote a strong HSE culture. In this respect, Gesip offers training in crisis management on flammable liquid sites and...


one-stop shop for pipe networks

The one-stop shop for pipeline safety

What is the role of the one-stop shop for pipe network safety? Gesip examines this question in this article. Although transport pipelines are the safest way to transport large quantities of hazardous materials, incidents still occur (in 2004, in...


Découvrez en intégralité notre cuvette s’enflammer !

Journée exceptionnelle sur le site de Vernon de Gesip !  Notre cuvette de 300m², destinée à l’étude de la propagation de la mousse d’extinction d’incendies industriels s’est enflammée pour notre plus grand plaisir sur notre site de Vernon ! Retrouvez en intégralité notre essai officiel de notre cuvette unique au monde, en partenariat avec Lastfire…


Management of hazardous material transportation

Disaster management on hazardous materials transport pipelines

Pipelines for the transport of hazardous materials, covered by ministerial decrees, have developed strongly since the 1950s. As such, they now constitute networks classified into three families of hazardous materials, natural gas (which represents 73% of the total length of the 50,000 km of the French pipeline network), oil and gas products (which represent the majority of the total length of the network) and...
