battery light

First actions in case of a battery fire

Lithium ion battery technology, which first appeared in the 1970s, has been continuously improved to extend their life. Energy storage systems (ESS) are found in particular in wind farms and solar farms, industrial sites with renewable energy production, or in the vicinity of an RTE (Réseau de Transport d'Electricité) power station ....


Covid-19: Evolution of sanitary instructions

The latest official recommendations authorize a reduction in sanitary rules on our training sites: Respect for sanitary rules in force: Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in meeting/training rooms More information: here Everyone remains free to wear a mask in "non-compulsory" situations.


Installations Classées Pour l'Environnement ICPE

GESIP and the Installations Classified for the Environment (ICPE)

According to the legislation, ICPEs must limit their impact on the health of the population and the environment. The application of the various regulations is the responsibility of the Classified Installations Inspectorate, under the authority of the prefects. Depending on the nature of their activity, the nomenclature gives ICPEs a classification system that takes into account the importance of the risks likely to be encountered...


security management audit

Audit of the safety management system

Feedback from industrial accidents has led to the implementation of risk management systems in companies. These analyses have shown that the occurrence of accidents was linked to organizational malfunctions. The regulations have thus imposed the creation of a SMS (safety management system)...


Fire regulations

Fire regulations: reaction and resistance to fire

The provisions relating to fire ensure the protection of the public, the teams and the installations. The main principles of prevention concern the limitation of the propagation of the fire in the building and its exterior, the rapid evacuation and the measures to facilitate the intervention of the emergency services. Here is a brief overview of the fire and safety regulations...


Find the new post accident regulations for September 2019

Following the incident in Rouen, the ICPE regulations changed in September 2020 and impact your POI. The requirements for emergency plans have been completed with regard to the measures to be implemented in the event of an accident. Gesip will help you to comply with the new standards. To know more : Download...


fire rouen regulation

Regulatory developments post Rouen

The Rouen plant fire in the fall of 2019 left a lasting impression on people because of its magnitude and potential environmental impacts. Industrial safety experts redoubled their efforts to analyze this accident. This work has led to the implementation of several regulatory changes. We have been heavily involved in numerous working groups on the subject...


Security of chemical industrial sites

Safety of chemical industrial sites: risks and regulations

Chemical industry professionals did not wait for the first European directive in the 1970s to set up a risk assessment. Subsequently, the various accidents that occurred, first at Seveso in 1976, at AZF in Toulouse in 2001, and then in Rouen in 2019, have made this regulation evolve. Here is a vision...


SME safety standards

SMEs: mandatory safety standards in the workplace

Every company manager has the duty to guarantee security in his company. Even if large companies are often well organized in terms of safety management within their establishments, company safety in SMEs, SMIs and VSEs must respect the same issues. Respect of the standards, prevention of the risks, protection...
