According to the legislation, ICPEs must limit their impact on the health of the population and the environment. The application of the various regulations is the responsibility of the Classified Installations Inspectorate, under the authority of the prefects. Depending on the nature of their activity, the nomenclature gives ICPEs a classification system that takes into account the importance of the risks likely to be generated.
Gesip's Technical Department is at the disposal of ICPE operators, for any service of Consulting, Assistance and Audit. It is also very involved in the writing of technical guides for the industry.
Actions to prevent major industrial accidents following the Seveso directive
The overriding criterion for the application of the ICPE regulations is the classification of the installations, as defined in the nomenclature. It takes into account the importance of the hazard potential of the installation associated with its operation. For the record, the classification proposes 5 levels.
- The declaration regime (D). It concerns installations with activities that are not very dangerous or polluting. A simple declaration to the prefecture is necessary. Some of these installations are under the regime of declaration with periodic control (DC) in order to regularly inform the operator of the conformity of his installations with the regulations;
- The registration system (E). This is a simplified authorization regime, which concerns installations for which the prevention measures are standardized. The operator must justify that he respects the risk prevention measures and does not cause any nuisance. The operation is validated by a prefectural decree;
- the authorization regime (A). It concerns any installation with serious risks for the environment. In this case, impact and hazard studies must be provided. Authorization is only given once the protective measures have been put in place. When there are significant risks for the health or safety of the population, the authorization is granted under the authorization with easement (S).
Consulting services for ICPE
The Gesip's technical service assists industrialists in the evaluation of risks that their that their installations can generate as well as in the management of these risks. To do so, Gesip writes technical guides for industrialists. These high value-added operational documents are considered as references.
Read: Seveso Directive: training, consulting and auditing
Assistance in the drafting of the hazard study
Thanks to its recognized expertise, Gesip can help operators to identify the hazards of their installationto analyze the risks, to propose areas for improvement in order to reduce them, as well as means of prevention.
Assistance with the ICPE file or the registration application
Gesip's consulting services cover the following activities
- Classification under the ICPE nomenclature ;
- Keeping its SEVESO status up to date (Seuil Bas or Seuil Haut).
Indeed, for all facilities classified for environmental protection, Gesip guides the operators in drafting their ICPE files or updating their files or in updating their authorization application files.
These files must be drawn up specifying the nature of the installations, their operation, their conditions of use and the methods of managing the waste produced. They must also explain the provisions envisaged in the event of an accident.
In the case of an application for registration of a new site, the equipment must be described as well as its mode of operation.
The project must be compatible with the prescriptions of the urban planning services.