The CNPP, Gesip and ENRg in association with Lastfire, are joining forces to offer you an intense week of training on a very topical subject: fire-fighting foam.
This week of training, given in English, consists of three parts:
- Theory
- Laboratory
- Exercises in the field in real situation.
Day 1 - 05/12/22 - Afternoon 2pm - Indoor - Rouen Hotel
Introduction to foaming agents / foam
▪ Industry
▪ Aviation
▪ Other
How does it work?
Brief history of developments to date
Overview of the approach to fire risk management
Design of equipment used in foam
Application rates
Standards - and updates for non-fluorinated foamers
Day 2 - 06/12/22 - Full day - Indoor - Hotel Rouen
Specification and certification of foam performance on a fire
Permanence of the characteristics
Group exercises
Foam performance standards
Video demonstrations of different types of foam
Current levels of fire performance research
Day 3 - 07/12/22 - Full day - Indoor and Lab - Vernon
How to use the foam
Planning for foam applications
Examples of fires after spraying
Examples of storage tanks
Advance planning related to aviation
Case Studies
Multi-tank incidents
Response options
Group exercise (indoor)
Development of response strategies
▪ Fixed systems
▪ Mobile means, etc...
Laboratory demonstration: European standard EN 1568:2018 - determination of expansion and recovery time, performance tests on water miscible and immiscible solvent fires
Day 4 - 08/12/22 - Full Day - Training Centers - Vernon
Demonstrations of fuel characteristics
Flash point, volatility, etc.
Foam on alcohols/hydrocarbons
Vapor control after foam application
Demonstration of foam types and application methods
Low, medium and high expansion foams
Proportioning - suitability and incompatibility
Collection and measurement of foam properties
Training exercises
Spreading fire - 10m x 10m
Pit fire
Truck loading station fire
Note: Those who have chosen the training option will participate in all exercises.
Those who have not done so will watch from a distance (safety distances).
Day 5 - 09/12/22 - Morning - Indoor - Hotel Rouen
Managing the transition - the pragmatic approach
Issues other than fire performance
Processes and protocols
Dealing with Historical Issues
ENRgConsultants :
Dr Eleanor Lister - Environmental Engineer
Mark Plastow - Process Safety Specialist
Dr. Niall Ramaden - Specialist in fire risk management and foam systems in the oil industry
Isabelle Deguerry - Specialist in foam testing
David Audouin - Expert in industrial security and crisis management
Nicolas Vacle - Senior trainer
Hotel in Rouen CNPP and Gesip training center
In action on the field: 3 500 € HT (limited places: 15)
Others: 2 800 € HT
Members price: 2 300€ HT (limited places: 30)
4 days
Price includes 4 nights accommodation, lunches and dinners, daily bus transportation to/from the hotel/training center and full PPE