The Internal Operation Plan (IOP) is an industrial emergency response plan.
In terms of regulations, the POI has two objectives, under Article L515-41 of the Environmental Code:
- "Contain and control incidents so as to minimize their effects and limit damage to public health, the environment, and property"
- "Implement the necessary measures to protect public health and the environment against the effects of major accidents
What is a POI?
The POI is intended to manage and supervise crisis situations. It defines the organization, the methods of intervention, of informing the authorities and the means necessary, in the event of an accident, to control it, protect the personnel & the population, the goods and avoid the effects on the environment. The necessary resources, which will be implemented within the establishment, may be internal or external (excluding the material resources of the fire and rescue services).
The POI must first and foremost allow :
- To bring the facilities back to a safe condition to limit the consequences of the accident.
The POI is based on the main principles set out in the EDD - Etude de Dangers - and, among other things, on the scenarios
What does my POI include?
The POI is organized into 9 chapters:
- General presentation
- The Alert Scheme
- The organization of the rescue
- The Functions
- The scenarios
- Technical documentation
- Interfaces with other plans
- End of POI management
- Exercises and appendices
To be useful and used, the POI must be practical.
To do this, workbooks per function are compiled from the POI documentation set:
- The specific sheets for the said function, (reflex cards, missions, guides)
- The standard documents to be declined with the associated examples,
- The documents required to perform this function.
The POI must be accessible in each cell of the PCEx, it will be archived and maintained continuously. Through various formatted supports, (tables, plans...) it will allow sharing the situation, its evolution and the actions to be implemented.
It must be shared with the fire department. The SDIS will help in an operational vision and prioritization of actions to be taken and will allow a better understanding of the modalities of disaster management in the industrial context
But above all, the POI must be known and communicated to the various internal actors (on-call) who will have to implement it.
In summary, a POI is designed to meet different criteria:
- Be a tool for managing accidental events for the head of the facility who must define the strategy for both operations and response
- Assist in the development and implementation of operations and response tactics
- To be an essentially simple, practical and operational support document, known by all actors
- Enable preparation by anticipating the evolution of the event and adapting to the evolution of the intervention
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