différentes couleurs du gaz hydrogène

Quelles sont les différentes couleurs du gaz hydrogène ?

À l’ère des énergies renouvelables, la filière hydrogène est en plein essor. Elle présente la particularité d’attribuer à ce gaz un qualificatif de couleur. Gris, bleu ou vert sont les plus couramment rencontrés. Gesip vous propose un décryptage sur ces notions de couleur du gaz hydrogène et sur les risques sécurité qu’il engendre. Les différentes…


Nous avons posé nos questions à Roger Bergougnoux, consultant pour Gesip

Roger Bergougnoux, consultant pour Gesip, répond à nos questions afin de revenir sur sa riche expérience dans le domaine de la sécurité. Il nous parle de ses compétences acquises au cours de sa vie professionnelle puis valorisées grâce aux missions de consultant réalisées auprès de Gesip, en tant que jeune retraité.  Parlez-nous de votre parcours…


Pollution crisis management

The rules are changing and we need to adapt to them. Discover our new course including : A training based on the training of the operator command post and the emergency plan with situation scenarios intended to make decisions and implement actions to fight against pollution in the context of disasters...


Discover the new GODR IUV

The new Operational Guide Reference Department "Emergency Interventions on Vehicles" (GODR-IUV) of the SDIS 86 is out. Find the operational answers which are brought to the firemen in the fields of the road accidents and the vehicle fires. To discover the guide, click here.


Discover the latest BARPI movie!

Today, the consideration of organizational and human factors in the design and operation of plants is more than essential. In the article "Gaseous VMC leak: lessons learned from an industrial accident", BARPI looks back at the accident involving the release of vinyl chloride monomer where operators were trapped due to the "tunnel effect". The latter...


Green Deal réglementation européenne

The European Green Deal Regulation: Act II "Fit for 55

The European Green Deal regulation initiated by the European Parliament in 2019, has just been enriched with its Act II, entitled "Fit for 55". This European pact for sustainable development has strong objectives. It is situated in the framework of climate neutrality and the reduction of carbon emissions in the environment. What are the...


keep a regulatory watch

Conduct a regulatory watch for your company in 3 steps!

Monitoring regulations is imperative to secure a company's legal environment. In order to do so, it is necessary to structure the legal monitoring process in order to identify the applicable texts. This work requires a lot of organization and must be divided into three steps. First step of the regulatory watch: identify the applicable texts The implementation of the...


ramp-up curve

Create a power ramp-up curve

Are you a manager of a fire hazard company? As the head of the establishment, you are responsible for the implementation of the escalation curve, also called CMP. You will find here a presentation of the CMP, the reasons for its development and the steps to follow to build the curve....


POI tools

How to build an Internal Operation Plan?

POI: the reference document All industrial sites at risk are legally required to have an POI (Internal Operation Plan) according to article L515-41 of the French Environmental Code. This document is drawn up by the site operator and must be able to respond to all the situations described in the accident scenarios of the study of the risks...
