Find our training schedule for the year 2023 by clicking here. For more information, contact us :
DetailsFind our training schedule for the year 2023 by clicking here. For more information, contact us :
DetailsThe transport sector is making a major contribution to the energy transition. It relies on CNG (natural gas for vehicles), CNG or LNG vehicles. All the actors working around vehicles running on natural gas need a training on CNG - CNG - LNG risks in order to be able to control the risks...
DetailsGesip, expert in industrial safety and fire training since 1953, reaffirms its links thanks to a new partnership with France Gaz Liquides. France Gaz Liquides and Gesip are two leading professional training organizations in the field of industrial safety. With a partnership built around the common objective of improving the safety of industrial workers, Gesip and France Gaz Liquides have signed a new agreement...
Details"All things are always changing and nothing stays the same", Heraclitus. The fame of this first thinker of change has crossed the ages, so convincing is his enthusiastic vision. Indeed, Heraclitus envisaged the harmony of the world as arising from its capacity to transform itself. The effects of evolutions are, however, much more...
DetailsAs regulations are constantly being improved to enhance the safety of industrial sites, the regulatory news for 2022 is still particularly rich, in a context where the implementation of the Post-Rouen advances is still in progress. This bulletin presents a summary of the regulatory news for the industrial sector in 2022. A summary of the main news...
DetailsIndustrial risk management in France is well taken into account. It has progressed with the European Seveso Directive of 1976 and its subsequent versions, up to the Risk Law of 2003. However, zero risk does not exist. "The industrial risk is defined as an accidental event occurring on an industrial site that puts at risk the...
DetailsIs there an analogy between the 9 principles of prevention and the tools of crisis management? The prevention of occupational risks covers all the measures to be implemented to preserve the health and safety of employees, improve working conditions and promote well-being at work. An approach of...
DetailsThe post-accident context in Rouen has led to changes in the regulations in order to draw lessons from this event and improve the safety of high-risk industrial sites and maintain a high level of prevention. These texts significantly reinforce the obligations concerning the POI (internal operation plan) of the SEVESO sites as well as the prescriptions relative to the...
DetailsThe CNPP, Gesip and ENRg in association with Lastfire, are joining forces to offer you an intense week of training on a very topical subject: fire-fighting foam. This week of training, given in English, consists of three parts: - Theory - Laboratory - Exercises in the field in the morning.
DetailsIn terms of fire safety, flammable liquids present specific risks that must be taken into account when controlling industrial risks. In this respect, the wine industry and the eaux-de-vie sector in France require specialized training in the use of intervention resources for teams and public services. ....